Alpine Games


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Text Adventure written using the ALPS system developed by Alpine software. In this game you play the part of a cop sent out to find out who's been stealing money in the school, whilst everyone else is sent on a kidnap investigation. It is presented nicely with lots of detail and is well written, the most annoying thing is that there are often points where you just die in the game without much warning, making it very frustrating to play, not a bad attempt though.

Plague Planet

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Another text adventure developed with ALPS, this time Sci-Fi, you are a citizen of a small peaceful planet which has resorted to the old ways after being cut off from the rest of the galaxy. One day a ship crash lands, you investigate and find more than you bargain for! Again this is quite a complexed adventure, the ALPS system must have been pretty advanced. It is quite good but also annoying as there are many times where 'guess the verb' type puzzles are used.