BBC Soft

This was the BBC's own software house, and they only did a few games, I would imagine that BBC soft were the ones who used to produce all the program disks etc, that used to go with the BBC Programmes about the BBC Micro, but this rarely included games. They did a few though, and those that they did were above average really.

Battle Of Britain

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Interesting strategy game based on the famous battle of britain, you have to manage the British forces and stop the Germans from taking over control of the skies. Not bad, but it is a bit slow to get into and slightly boring to play.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Warm game, you can take part in Waterloo or the American Civil War. It is quite basic, the bulk of the action taking place on a text-based depiction of the United States (or Europe if you play Waterloo). It's for two players, and you basically fight till the death. Not a bad attempt, but nothing special.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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War game based on sinking the famous German battleship during World War II. It is based on first having to find the Bismarck by moving your ships around the English waters, then once it has been found you have to destroy it. Its quite entertaining, but you need to be a fan of strategy style games to play it.

Black Queen

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Bridge game, not too bad but not as good as Colossus 4 Bridge by CDS.

Canyon Battle

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A very substandard game, this has you piloting a bi-plane through a very badly drawn Canyon (which flashes red and purple) and you have to shoot the baddies who are against you. It is very actionless, the baddies stay still, and only some can shoot, and all the time there is a constant monotonous tone from the speaker to represent the engine noise. The scrolling is jerky, and there is too little gameplay to make this worth playing.

Dr Who And The Warlord

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Text adventure based on the Dr Who series, its quite decent actually, lots of description, the amount is actually quite amazing, it must fill the whole of the Beebs memory, even in Mode 7 which is quite impressive. The parser is also quite sophisticated, not just limited to two words. Definitely worth a play if you have any interest in adventure games.

Dr Who: The First Adventure

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


The game of the fantastically popular series, this is a good game I feel, it is by no means a classic, but is good to play for short periods. It has a nice mix of game styles, from mazes to action gaming, and it has a really good Doctor Who theme tune when you load it up! The graphics are good and the gameplay is varied, so play it!

Fun Games

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Games Of Strategy

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Collection of 4 games - Galaxy (a text based space exploring/combat game), Gomuku, Masterbrain (a numbers game in which you try to beat the computer) and Reversi. It's all text based, so not too complicated, but ok if you like this sort of thing.

Games Pack 1

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Hall Of Mirrors

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Game in which you control a train out of control and have to guide it around safely so that it doesn't end up derailed. You only having one control, and that is to change the points. It is actually quite original and fun to play, but can get a bit frustrating once you can't get any further! The graphics are low-resolution, but nicely done with lots of little trackside animations which look good. Overall it's not bad.

Pantry Antics

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Entertaining game in which you play a mouse who has to run around smashing cups and saucers onto the floor. The graphics are very rudimentary, but this game has some orginality about it and is well worth a quick bash or two.

White Knight

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


BBC Soft's own chess game, this one underwent a number of revisions to make it a better player, and it is considered by the chess players to be one of the best players of chess on the BBC, if not the best. The graphics are presented in a high-res mode, and the game can be played by either one or two players, and plays to a high standard. Their are a number of options for analysing the games you play included.