Computer Concepts

Android Attack

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Entertaining little Pac-Man style game with a twist, the android put down the dots, and you have to follow them around muching them up. Its quite well done, the graphics are nothing too hot though. Good fun but hard!

Asteroid Belt

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Above average asteroids clone, it plays well, but the master is still Acornsoft's Meteors.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Decent version of chess, this plays a mean game and looks quite good. Definitely worth playing if you like the game!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

Download Unavailable

Complexed version of the board game, this has a proper computer opponent with fairly complexed intelligence levels. The graphics look good and it is by far the best Draughts game on the beeb.

Games Galore

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Four very bad games using mostly text as graphics, Fruit Worm, Space Invaders, Loony Lander and Fruity Tooty. Stay away from this if you want to keep your happy memories of the Beeb intact!

Hitch Hiker

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Strange, almost non-sensical adventure game packed with weird objects (you can pick up a dog and some galactic peanuts). Its not really that good, it lacks detail and atmosphere, but worth a play.

Rubiks Cube

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A computer simulated Rubiks cube - how pointless is that!! Its not even a very good version, if I was you I would stick with the real thing - go on, live dangerously!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


My favourite Computer Concepts game, not that the quality is that high anyway, but this is a good version of the famous (mostly thanks to Nokia phones) snake game, it plays ok and is very entertaining.

Space Hawk

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Good fun to play, this is a little Galaxians clone, its nothing out of the ordinary, and there are far better versions from Acornsoft and Superior, but its worth a look.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

Download Unavailable

A simple, yet quite addictive game. Its based on the old formula, guide the snake around the screen eating the pellets, which make him longer. You then have to watch out for obstacles and bad pellets. The graphics are incredibly poor, but the gameplay is good and has you coming back for more!