Doctor Soft

Until recently I mainly knew them as ROM producers, but now I know they did games. The games they did tended to be more of the simulation variety, rather than the action games that most publishers for the BBC Micro used to do. This is a good and bad thing, the Beeb is not really powerful enough for detailed simulations, but provided they are done well they can be great. You really need a joystick to play them, and most of the emulators don't run these type of games too well. I know that they definitly folded in the early 80's.

3D Convoy

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A really naff shooting game, you have to shoot torpedoes at other ships from far away, it is so slow that you could have a cup of tea and a jammie dodger before the torpedoes reached the ship, it is even more frustrating as you cannot fire again until the torpedoes have gone completely off the screen!

747 Simulator

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Fairly advanced simulation of a 747, this is pretty impressive for the time, the graphics are very poor though, just wire frame and not much of that either. The handling of the aircraft and the instruments are realistic though, this is defintely worth a look if you're a fan of this sort of game.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Double Phantom

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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A two player version of Phantom - the computers were linked by serial cable, I'm not sure but I think this was only available on the Master. The object was to shoot each other down, pretty impressive!

Fruit Machine

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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A fruit machine simulator, probably the most complicated on on the beeb! There are so many different ways to win! It looks quite good, and to be honest plays exactly like all the other ones around, so its not exactly very original.

Ghost Mine

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A quite nice little shoot-em-up, with some nice effects, it is a port over from the arcade machines, and is just like space invaders apart from the fact that you have a sort of bubble shaped force field which you have to shoot through to get to the aliens. Anyway, it has some nice graphics, and is worth a good few hours key bashing!

Jump Jet

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


This is great game, you are in control of a jump jet harrier, and have to defend yourself deep behind enemy lines. It is not a simulator, but more of an arcade game however the plane moves remarkably smoothly and well, and the graphics are neat. You have to dodge mountains, shoot enemy planes and helicopters, it is excellent. You can also use the harriers ability to hover so that you can shoot ground bases.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Game reminiscent of Acornsoft's Maze, you have to move around the maze-like corridors of the Kremlin, getting to the next level each time. There are monsters to attack you inside the maze so you have to dodge them too. The graphics look quite impressive, all high res and slick, although the monsters leave a bit to be desired (a collection of lines).

Missile Attack

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Mission Alpha 3D

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Phantom Combat

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A nice little flight simulator, it controls really well and the graphics are very smooth. This has probably been achieved by losing most graphics anyway - the whole thing is extremely plain! The graphics, what little there are are achieved in a high resolution mode, if only there was more of them!

Wolf Pack 3

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


This is made in 1983 and is pretty complexed for the time, you are in control of 3 ships roaming through the galaxy looking for things to attack. The best thing about this is that you can switch ships at any time, an impressive feat for such a game. Worth a go, even though the graphics are a bit slow to catch up.