This is a very old company, I know they used to make software for the older computers which came in kits, I think they must have started in the late 70's!

3D Maze

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Simple maze game, you have to find your way out of the 3D Maze, having been told where the exit is and where you are. It's fairly impressive for the age of the game, but not quite as good as the masterful Maze by Acornsoft.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A fairly standard shoot-em-up game, set underwater. Basically all you have to do is blow up anything that moves! The graphics are ok, if a bit blocky and boring. The sound is non-existant, and for some reason the instructions for the game in the archive are all in Danish!

Beeb Beep

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A boring version of the original game 'Simon' you basically have to remember which order to press the buttons in, it is very annoying and there doesn't seem much point to doing a computer version. Also, this version is very dull, the graphics are extremely limited, and it doesn't even look fun to play! Definitly do not play this game!

Beeb Munch

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A very bad conversion of the old Pac-Man theme, this is poorly written, the keys are unresponsive, the sprites are flickery, and the whole thing basically lacks any quality of presentation or style, which is important if you do a clone game, as they are the only things which separate the clones.

Black Jack

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A black jack simulator - how enjoyable! Pick your cards, and play against the computer - there is no option to play against anyone else. The graphics are minimal, and sound is rubbish. There really is no point in playing this type of game on a computer, you might as well go to a casino!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A terrible conversion of the game that was hailed as a classic, this is just too fast and the collision detection stinks. The game is well drawn on the screen, but it is just so badly programmed.

Candy Floss

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


This is reminiscent of the old 'Teashop' game, you have to make candy floss, and set the amount of advertising you do, then continue, and then it tells you how many Floss' you sold, random events happen such as Donkeys eating the Candy Floss, or it being a rainy day, and the object is to beat your friends by making more money. It is a good game to play if you're young, but not really for the older players.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Another dull arcade conversion. This is another one of those Centipede/Millipede clones, and is very unoriginal. The graphics are extremely poor, and there is very little gameplay. This is not a very good conversion, and the game that it was based on was never extremely popular anyway.

Family Games

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Set of simple games including Auction, Beetle, Dice, Grand National, Hangman, Kyrptogram and Music, none of which are particularly impressive. Not really worth playing these days.

Fiva-a-Side Socca / Star Soccer

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A completely rubbish football game, for some reason when you move one of your men, all of the ones on the team move at the same time, so it is very boring, and extremely difficult to score. The lack of good programming shows because it is only 2 player, extremely convenient if you can't program AI!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Simple game which you have to name the country that the flag displayed belongs to, its capital and the continent it's on. Not much here except for educational value! Also what makes it a bit more confusing is the fact that the beeb can't always display the exact detail and colours of the flags!

Hang Man

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A hangman game, this is really for little children as it is extremely easy, and it never was one of the best word games in the world! If you don't know, it is a game where you have to pick letters from an unknown word, if you pick a letter that is in the word, the computer reveals where the letters come in that word. The aim is to uncover the word completely, before the computer draws a picture of a hanged man, which is added to every time you pick a letter that is not in the word. The graphics are ok, but don't really add anything to the game.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Quite a playable game this one, you have to control a little robot in a maze, and just have to shoot the other robots running throughout the maze, not exactly the most in depth game in history, but somehow it is good for a few plays. The graphics are high-res, but very minimal, just using character sprites.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


If you visit this site regularly, then you know from all the other Space Invaders games that I hate companies rehashing the same game, well I do, but this is quite a nice version of the old classic. I suppose it was seen as a must for companies back in the 80's to have its own version of Space Invaders, but this one sticks closely to the original, and is worth a few plays, the graphics don't try to be too clever, so its not too bad.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Simple anagram based game - its very basic.

Leap Frog

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Actually an ok conversion of Frogger, not as good as Hopper by Acornsoft, but definitly not the worst conversion ever. It has nice enough graphics, but they look a bit cluttered on the screen, with too many lines and objects. The main sprite does not move much, but looks ok, the only bad thing is that it doesn't respond quickly enough sometimes.

Mixed Games

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Model A Invaders

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A mode 7 version of Space Invaders, this isn't that bad, it moves quickly and smoothly, but the only problem is the low resolution for graphics used with the mode 7.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A standard shoot-em-up game, this is far too fast and the graphics are awfully bland. The whole thing is really quite bad, which is a bit run of the mill for IJK games.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


The card game that was born to be recreated on a computer! This is a highly popular game on the computers, and this version is nothing but a straight version of Patience. It is a nice relaxing game, but the graphics aren't exactly as good as they could be, they are a bit poor actually. It is the only commerical one on the beeb though.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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This is a fairly good game by IJK's standards, you have are a pirate and have to plunder cities, its good fun, and has some nice graphics, well worth a little go now and again.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


This game is dire. The graphics are terrible and it is one of the most unplayable games I've ever played, you seem to control a ship and have to blow up the other ships. The problem is the sound is very annoying and ruins the game completely.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


The old card game, you have to score more than the computer, betting money that you can beat him. It is not a very interactive game, you just have to decide whether to stick or not, and then have to decide how much money you want to bet. Not exactly thrilling stuff eh?

Quest For Freedom

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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A gem amongst the stones this one, this is an early Peter Scott game, and shows just how good he was as it is way better than anything else they did. It's an entertaining arcade adventure with all the usual Scott trademarks, the strange characters and landscapes, as well as the sheer size. Definitley worth playing and i'm surprised it was never re-released.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Another casino game that has no place in being recreated on a computer. Choose which numbers and colours you want to bet on, and then spin the wheel. It is not very good, the only appeal of this game in real life is because you can win a lot of money on it, and you can't even do that on the Beeb!

Space Battle

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


I'm not sure if this is an IJK game or not, it even falls below their own low standards! It seems to be a target practice game, joystick only, and you have to just shoot at the monsters which come on the screen, before they shoot back at you. Little gameplay and apalling graphics, oh well!

Star Trek

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Poor text-based Star Trek game, you have to destroy the 16 klingons on the map. It's very badly coloured, the playing field is green for some reason which makes it really hard to see the white of the stars and ships. Not worth a play really.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A strange shoot-em-up style game, but it is very weird in the way it works, you can't seem to be able to win at anything on it, you just die for no apparent reasons! Still the graphics are ok for an IJK game, and given a chance it may be a reasonable game.

Super Simon

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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