Peak Soft


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Poor football game, all you can do is change the team and play the game, thee is nothing else to it! Definitley one to avoid like the plague.

Deaths Head Hole

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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A caving game, sort of like an adventure, but the point is to survive the cave, it's very simplistic but has a certain charm to it.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


A simple game in which you have to get past the lions without getting your head bitten off, it is very hard, as you never know which ones will do this, so it is pretty random! It is also not very good or fun, so I guess its good that this game is probably largely unknown to most people!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Quite a fun little game in which you control an Osprey who needs to feed its chicks , you do this by grabbing fish out of the sea, but there is also the problem of the poacher who wants to steal the eggs, you have to ward him off at the same time. It has some nice graphics although it does get a bit repetitive.

The Boss

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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