
Another Spectrum style company (in that they did a lot of beat-em-ups) which entered the fray in about 1989. They had a cunning trick on their game boxes, the pictures they showed you were the nice C64 and Spectrum versions, when in fact the BBC versions were crap Black and White affairs.

3D Snooker

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Impressive 3D snooker game, it's in high res and the balls do move very realistically. This was a late release onto the Beeb, in 1990, and it shows how much knowledge there was of just what the beeb could do, this stretches it. The only annoying thing about this game is that it's all played from the same viewpoint, so when you are on the far end of the table it makes it difficult to judge shots!


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Poor shooting game in which you play a caveman who has to shoot the Pterodactyls out of the sky with spears. It's very annoying because anything that the Pterodactyls shoot at you cannot be touch after they land, so you end up being penned in. Overall not a very good game, although the graphics are pretty slick.

Joe Blade

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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A beat-em-up game in which you must fight your way through sideways scrolling levels. I've never played this, can anyone provide more info?

Joe Blade 2

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


More of the same, but this time set in the future.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Slick Centipede game, one of the best on the beeb actually, it looks good and plays well, something of a hidden gem, even though there are loads of other versions of the game around.


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Shanghai Warriors

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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The most boring game I've ever played, it seems to go on forever on just one level, basically you just have to defeat the bad guys over and over, it is played in black and white, and everything looks horrible. Definitly among the worst games ever.

Subway Vigilante

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


OK, it's one thing for Players to do lots of samey beat-em-ups, but it is another thing entirely to just change the graphics set with each game!!! This game plays exactly like Shanghai Warriors, the same awful gameplay, the same rubbishly drawn black and white graphics, everything. The people who say BBC games were all Mediocre probably had the misfortune to stumble across this effort..


Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown


Very very good graphics in this game, although to get the speed up it is played in quite a small window, but this is a Beeb limitation rather than a programming one. Its an arcade game, much like a lot of games that appeared on the Speccy. If you like shoot-em-ups in the vein of Firetrack then this is the one for you, a great game.