
Loads Of Luck

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Search out the treasure style game with the added fact that you need to return the Kings famous locks of hair before anyone notices. This is a pretty detailed adventure, how they managed to cram in all the detail I dont know, and it is definitely worth a play, Magus were an adventure house of some distinction.

Village Of Lost Souls

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Original version of the famous Robica game. This isn't as wordy as the re-make, and there are no fancy graphics, but it still makes for a great adventure. You have to destroy the window into the thirteenth realm which causing so much trouble. This is text adventuring at its finest, go play!

Whats Eeyore's

Released: Unknown

Author: Unknown

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Another adventure game in which you have to find Eeyore's tail, which has gone missing. This features the same characters (King Golly etc) as Locks of Luck, its quite a good game, but Locks of Luck has the edge on it.